Top Magento Features to Look for in 2023 Featured


Magento is one of the considerable popular ecommerce platforms on the market, and for a good reason. It’s incredibly customizable and provides a wide range of features to make your online store stand out from the competition. But with so many options, it can be difficult to know which Magento features to look for in 2023 that will help you get the most out of your online store. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the top Magento features and explain how they can help you increase conversions and grow your business. So if you’re looking to build an ecommerce website that stands out from the rest, keep reading!

Magento 2.4

Magento 2.4 is the latest version of Magento, and it comes with a lot of new features and improvements. Some of the most notable new features in Magento 2.4 include:

  • Performance enhancements
  • A new way to manage inventory
  • B2B improvements
  • New payment methods
  • PWA Studio

Improved security

Security is always a top concern for online shoppers. That’s why Magento offers improved security features in its latest release. With Magento 2.3, you can rest assured that your store is protected against the latest threats.

Some of the new security features in Magento 2.3 include:

  • Improved password management: Passwords are now hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm, making them more difficult to crack.
  • Two-factor authentication: This additional layer of security requires users to enter a second factor, such as a code from a mobile app, before they can access their account.
  • PCI DSS 3.2.1 compliance: Magento 2.3 is compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), ensuring that your store meets the highest standards for credit card security.

With these improved security features, you can give your customers the peace of mind they need to shop with confidence at your store.

Page Builder

There are a few essential things to look for in a Page Builder when considering a Magento development company. The Page Builder should be able to easily create and manage pages for your website. It should also have a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to add content and rearrange elements on the page. Additionally, the Page Builder should be able to save your pages as templates, so you can reuse them later or share them with other users. Finally, the Page Builder should be integrated with Magento’s back-end systems, so you can easily manage your pages and website from one central location.

Multi-source inventory

Multi-source inventory is one of the top Magento features to look for in an eCommerce platform. With multi-source inventory, businesses can manage their inventory from multiple locations in a single place. This can save time and money by reducing the need to update inventory levels across multiple systems manually. Multi-source inventory can also help businesses keep track of stock levels at different locations and make sure that products are always available for customers.

Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are web applications that are regular websites but can also be installed on a user’s device like a native app. They are reliable, fast, and engaging.

PWAs are built with common web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and use modern web capabilities to provide an app-like user experience. PWAs are designed to be:

  • Progressive: Because they are built with progressive enhancement as a core principle, they work for every user, regardless of browser preference.
  • Responsive: Fit any form factor: desktop, mobile, tablet, or whatever future devices might be.
  • Connectivity independent: Enhanced with service workers to work offline or on low-quality networks.
  • App-like: Use the app shell model—with minimal page refreshes—to give users a fluid experience similar to what they would get from a native app.
  • Fresh: Always up-to-date, thanks to the service worker update process.
  • Safe: Served via HTTPS to prevent snooping and ensure content hasn’t been tampered with.
  • Discoverable: W3C manifests and service worker registration scope identify these as “applications,” allowing search engines to find them.
  • Re-engageable: Make re-engagement easy through features like push notifications

B2B Advanced Marketing

When it comes to marketing, Magento provides powerful tools to promote your products and services online. With Magento, you can easily create and manage targeted marketing campaigns, track customer behavior, and measure campaign effectiveness. Additionally, Magento’s B2B Advanced Marketing extension provides even more features and functionality specifically designed for businesses that sell to other businesses.

Some of the top features to look for in the Magento B2B Advanced Marketing extension include:

  1. Create Customized Campaigns: With Magento B2B Advanced Marketing, you can easily create customized marketing campaigns that are tailored to your specific target audience. This allows you to deliver highly relevant and targeted messages that will resonate with your customers.
  2. Segment Your Customers: Magento B2B Advanced Marketing provides powerful segmentation capabilities so you can group your customers based on criteria such as industry, company size, purchase history, and more. This makes it easy to create targeted campaigns that are relevant to each customer segment.
  3. Analyze Customer Behavior: Magento B2B Advanced Marketing provides detailed reports on customer behavior, so you can see which marketing campaigns are performing well and which ones need improvement. This helps you fine-tune your marketing efforts for maximum impact.
  4. Automate Campaigns: With Magento B2B Advanced Marketing, you can automate your marketing campaigns using rules-based conditions. This saves you time and ensures that your campaigns are always running smoothly.

Magento Business Intelligence (MBI)

Magento Business Intelligence (MBI) is a powerful Magento tool that provides insights into your business. It allows you to see your business’s performance and where improvements can be made. MBI also provides reports on customer behavior, sales, marketing, and much more. With MBI, you can make informed decisions about your business and improve your bottom line.


Magento is an e-commerce platform that offers many powerful features to help businesses succeed online. In 2023, these features will become even more important as the demand for secure and customizable e-commerce solutions grows. To be on top in the market, it’s vital to understand the most current Magento features available and how they can help your business succeed. By taking advantage of all the great options offered by Magento in 2023, you’ll be able to provide exceptional customer experiences and gain a significant edge over other companies in your industry.

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